Excerpts from the Book DECEPTION

Excerpts from the Book DECEPTION

Excerpts from the Book DECEPTION

To keep the rumor that Srila Prabhupada was poisoned by his own senior disciples alive Nico Kute has engaged in an endless assault of prevarication. The book DECEPTION was written to expose just how pervasive his unfounded propaganda is. The samples of material found in DECEPTION that are provided here address some of the more popular mistruths that the uninformed have been deceived by.
Those wanting to really understand Srila Prabhupadas disappearance lila correctly will welcome this information that the purveyors of the Poison Conspiracy lie refuse to engage in a coherent discussion about. They prefer to run away in an attempt to discredit what is plainly obvious to those who are stable enough to consider all the evidence with an unbiased point of view.

Vaishnava Seva Savadhana
Important Public Service Warning For Srila Prabhupada’s ISKCON

Vaishnava Seva Savadhana

DECEPTION “Do Not Torture”

DECEPTION “Do Not Torture”

DECEPTION “All Concur: HDG Did NOT say: ‘Someone has Poisoned me!’”

All Concur: HDG Did NOT say!

DECEPTION “What Audio Forensic Engineer Tom Owens Actually Report”

Audio Forensic Tom Owens

DECEPTION “Index to Essential DECEPTION URL’s’”