Poison Lampoon 2017

Poison Lampoon 2017

Many of us were astonished when the PCON resurged in early 2017. My response was to lampoon this disgrace on common sense and human intelligence. If you want to have a good laugh at the expense of those who were so foolish to promote all this poppy-cock you will enjoy this lampoon. Those who were unable to see how they had become buffooned by this ruse couldn’t bring themselves to even read this and hypocritically dismissed it as being “Offensive!” (Apparently accusing a senior devotee of 1st-degree murder is fine, but exposing the foolishness behind those accusations is an aparada!)

Contribution In The Service to Srila Prabhupada c/o mayesvara dasa

The unwillingness to actually scrutinize the facts and discussed the feasibility of the proposed PCON is what later led to the full expose of that contemptuous rumor and the follow-up book/movie DECEPTION.

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