The 2020 Election is approaching fast.
The stories are getting more extravagant, and the temperature is rising.
Whoever wins the office has a nearly impossible task to achieve.
“According to the Vedic instructions, the government should arrange things in such a way that there will be no question of starvation. In the Çrémad-Bhägavatam it is stated that a householder must see to it that even a lizard or a snake does not starve. They also must be given food. In actuality, however, there is no question of starvation because everything is the property of the Supreme Lord, and He sees to it that there is ample arrangement for feeding everyone. In the Vedas (Kaöha Upaniñad 2.2.13) it is said: eko bahünäà yo vidadhäti kämän. The Supreme Lord supplies the necessities of life to everyone, and there is no question of starvation. If anyone starves, it is due to the mismanagement of the so-called ruler, governor or president.”
– Srimad Bhagavat Purana, Canto 4 “The Creation of the Fourth Order”, Chapter 22, “Prthu Maharaja’s Meeting with the four Kumaras”, Text 45, Purport.