Elephant In The Mandir
Some things are obvious… but never spoken about because it may be politically incorrect, awkward or uncomfortable to bring up. Chankaya Pandit asks the rhetorical question… “Who can criticize the King?” I am talking about the realm that lies between the world of the Brahman, whose dharma is to speak the truth and dispel illusion, and the Ksatria whose duty is to lead. Leadership means politics which sometimes requires a compromise of one’s personal integrity for the benefit of the people. (Diplomacy. This explains why real brahmans only accept the role of a Ksatria when it is absolutely necessary, like in a state of emergency.) This article explores the problems that come up when those who represent the renounced order of life become attracted to sense gratification then attempt to fulfill those urges by posturing like the administrative class.
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Elephant In The Mandir