Category Archives: VIdeo Entries

Videos that are relevant to this website or educational and interesting.

Inconvenient Culinary Truth

Inconvenient Culinary Truth

Inconvenient Culinary Truth

This presentation was originally prepared for the Ojai Green Coalition and given to an audience of over 100 in 2008. When it was finished you could hear a pin drop. It was tremendously successful and contributes towards educating the public on how simply by becoming a Vegetarian you do the most enviormentally powerful thing you can do to save this planet!

Inconvenient Culinary Truth
RunTime 44:15

mayesvara dasa memories gud

mayesvara dasa memories gud

Post Views: 34 A Unique Story When I attended the 40th anniversary of the Mumbai Temple opening I was asked to give some thoughts about my experiences in ISKCON. When I got to Srila Prabhupada’s room at the top of the tower they had a camera set up and asked me to speak something inspirational.… Continue Reading

md Vyasa Puja Offering LA 2022

md Vyasa Puja Offering LA 2022

Post Views: 67 LA Vyasa Puja Offering LA 2022 August 20, 2022 was the day this year when the disciple offers his appreciation for how his spiritual master uplifted his life. It is a true showing of love and affection for that person who changed our life dramatically. To glorify Srila Prabhupada this year I… Continue Reading

LA 3X Collapsible Aluminum Rathas

LA 3X Collapsible Aluminum Rathas

Post Views: 54 The Los Angeles Wonder Aluminum Rathas! Jayananda prabhu built the original Los Angeles Rath carts in 1978. They were completed for a fantastic festival that proceeded down the boardwalk and culminated in Venice (Muscle) Beach. By 2003 they required annual repair because the carts were parked along the ocean and deteriorated from… Continue Reading

md Vyasa Puja Offering LA 2021

md Vyasa Puja Offering LA 2021

Post Views: 129 mayesvara dasa spontaneous VyasaPuja offering LA 2021 The year 2021 was a special year for New Dwarka Los Angles because it remarked the 50th anniversary when the temple originally opened in 1971. Celebrated guests came on August 28 & 29 to share stories from those beginning days. August 30 was the Annual… Continue Reading