Category Archives: RtVik-Charade Repository

Death Diagnostics of RtVik-Charade

Death Diagnostics of RtVik-Charade

Death Diagnostics Repository of RtVik-Charade = Ultimate Offence

Krishna is called “All Attractive” and so naturally he attracts many people. That means he will not only attract the highest caliber individuals, but also, unfortunately, he attracts a whole array of people including those who are not emotionally stable. The National Institute on Mental Health estimated that 25% of the American population is being treated (taking medication) to cope with the stress of life. They also estimate that another 25% of the population probably needs some type of psychological assistance but those folks are too hesitant,
ashamed, or in denial about requesting it!

Because that portion of the population also shows up at the temple door, they too need to be accommodated, but they just don’t fit in with devotees who are serious about discovering how their own samskaras are interfering in their relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna. Of course, Lord Krishna knows this so he has given them their own special place to congregate around a fantasy-like understanding of the Parampara system. He provided the perfect initiation system and explained it in Bhagavad Gita 4.1-3, but that is too demanding for people who are still in the illusion that they can figure out their own spiritual path by reading and remaining independent of an interactive guru. So Krishna allowed them to create the RtVik-Charade as an alternative to His brilliant process for learning.

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RtVik Dearth: No Accountability

RtVik Dearth: No Accountability

Post Views: 159 RtVik Dearth:No Accountability Promoting WOKE Irresponsibly One of the most critical flaws in the RtVik paradigm is that it does not accommodate any means for correction when the disciple takes a wrong turn on their devotional path. They cannot explain how the spiritual master will be able to successfully discipline his disciple… Continue Reading

RtViks Hatchet Elements of Communication

RtViks Hatchet Elements of Communication

Post Views: 67 RtViks Hatchet the Elements of Communication We can understand the difference between mundane and transcendental vision by how Krishna describes himself. He confirms that those with transcendental vision we can see him everywhere. “For one who sees Me everywhere and sees everything in Me, I am never lost, nor is he ever… Continue Reading

Closing RtVik Loopholes

Closing RtVik Loopholes

Post Views: 75 “Closing RtVik-Loopholes” Everyone has heard of the concept of a “Loophole.” It is a technicality that allows a person or business to avoid the scope of a law or restriction without directly violating the law. Whenever some legislation is written, it can often be so complex that nobody could foresee how clever… Continue Reading

Rumble in The RTVik Bungle

Rumble in The RTVik Bungle

Post Views: 73 “Rumble In The RtVik Bungle” The difference between well-trained, mature disciples of Srila Prabhupada and those who are new to Krishna Consciousness is they immediately know it when someone has taken a philosophical deviation or is presenting something incorrectly. Senior devotees will have nothing to do with gong baths, crystal worship, or… Continue Reading

RtVik’s Admit their Deviation

RtVik’s Admit their Deviation

Post Views: 165 RtViks Admit their Deviation With this one deviation, all the RtViks sophistry falls apart. Even a new bhakta knows that the whole Gaudia Vaishnava philosophy is held together by the principles taught by Narottama dasa Thakura: sadhu-sastra-guru-vakya, cittete kariya aikya. One should follow the principles of saintly persons, scriptures and the spiritual… Continue Reading