Author Archives: William Roberts

Exposing RtVik Apostasy Lecture

Exposing RtVik Apostasy Lecture

Post Views: 36 Atlanta September 23, 2022 Premier Spontaneous RtVik Lecture One of the most contrived deviations ISKCON has had to contend with since the departure of His Divine Grace on Nov 14, 1977, is the idea that one does not need to surrender to a contemporary Spiritual Master. This idea came up towards the… Continue Reading

Hair Is NOT Irrefutable Proof

Hair Is NOT Irrefutable Proof

Post Views: 89 “Hair Studies are NOT Irrefutable Proof” (Illustrated plates are located below the following text.) The hair samples studied by Dr. Morris were extracted from behind the cadmium-plated blades in hair clippers that sat unprotected from the environment for over 20 years. We are then told the results of the NAA testing indicated… Continue Reading

P-Con Lessons From Chicken Little

P-Con Lessons From Chicken Little

Post Views: 132 “Poison Conspiracy Utilizes Chicken Little Tactics” (Illustrated plates are located below the following text.) One of the repeating tactics heard from those who dreamed up the P-Con is the threat of future legal action. When they first wrote their script Tamal Krishna Gowami was accused of poisoning His Divine Grace. A whole… Continue Reading

Poison Conspiracy Damage Control

Poison Conspiracy Damage Control

Post Views: 113 “Poison Conspiracy Damage Control” (Illustrated plates are located below the following text.) The contrived Poison Conspiracy (P-Con) relies heavily on an array of misinformation and hundreds of pages of character assassination. Originally Tamal Krishna Goswami was the preferred target, but then he passed away in 2003 and the P-Con needed a new… Continue Reading

P-Con Fraud Challenge Page

P-Con Fraud Challenge Page

Post Views: 69 Poison Conspiracy Fraud Challenge Page This link below will connect you to a forum on the Akincana Gochara page where those who want more information about the Poison CONspiracy can post questions or challenges about this controversial rumor. This blog was set up to provide a place where any misleading or false… Continue Reading

md Vyasa Puja Offering LA 2022

md Vyasa Puja Offering LA 2022

Post Views: 66 LA Vyasa Puja Offering LA 2022 August 20, 2022 was the day this year when the disciple offers his appreciation for how his spiritual master uplifted his life. It is a true showing of love and affection for that person who changed our life dramatically. To glorify Srila Prabhupada this year I… Continue Reading

RtViks Hatchet Elements of Communication

RtViks Hatchet Elements of Communication

Post Views: 84 RtViks Hatchet the Elements of Communication We can understand the difference between mundane and transcendental vision by how Krishna describes himself. He confirms that those with transcendental vision we can see him everywhere. “For one who sees Me everywhere and sees everything in Me, I am never lost, nor is he ever… Continue Reading

Closing RtVik Loopholes

Closing RtVik Loopholes

Post Views: 84 “Closing RtVik-Loopholes” Everyone has heard of the concept of a “Loophole.” It is a technicality that allows a person or business to avoid the scope of a law or restriction without directly violating the law. Whenever some legislation is written, it can often be so complex that nobody could foresee how clever… Continue Reading