LA Vyasa Puja Offering LA 2022
August 20, 2022 was the day this year when the disciple offers his appreciation for how his spiritual master uplifted his life. It is a true showing of love and affection for that person who changed our life dramatically. To glorify Srila Prabhupada this year I compared what he did in the spiritual marketplace to what modern medical research did to debunk medicine-man type superstitious rituals. Traditions like blood-letting has been around for 2000 years but only recently was it determined to not be of any medical value. In fact the overwhelming conclusion is that blood-letting was often detrimental to the health of the patient.
Similarly a lot of voo-doo magic infiltrated the concept of growing spiritually like gong baths, singing bowels, and crystal power for spiritual healing by the new age when all of it is, at best, just a placebo. Srila Prabhupada came along and busted those who commercialized meditation, and those that taught that white lite or silence is the highest realization. He exposed the fraud behind those who present mundane therapies as enlightenment and those who suggested they were God, he boldly challenged: “Then strike me down with a thunderbolt, because I say you are DOG!”