Life Comes From Life, Not Chemicals!
The “Theory” of evolution has become one of the most hotly contested subjects in the world today. Those with a good education tend to favor the idea that evolution alone explains the origin of life. Those with advanced scientific degrees in biology are often militantly adamant about insisting that evolution is a proven fact. They are not shy about boldly stating that those who don’t agree with that conclusion are very poorly informed or just recklessly religious fanatics.
Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Kraus in particular are leading the charge against what they consider to be grossly stupid religious ignorance which they assert is tantamount to child abuse and the perpetuation of unnecessary hatred between members of opposing faiths. They are brutally aggressive about labeling those who disagree with their atheistic conclusions as Luddites or worse. They insist that evolution is so adequate for fully explaining the origin of life that to cling to ANY concept of God is equivalent to believing in Zeus, The Tooth Fairy… or the Flying Spaghetti Monster. (The atheist’s mockery of God! See ).
Lawrence Kraus is so vainglorious about his own research that he has even written a book he insists provides a rational explanation for how everything came from nothing! The whole concept not only sounds completely ludicrous but it flies in the face of the same thermal dynamics that all scientists agree on. Long before quantum theories took the center stage everyone agree that energy can neither be created nor destroyed… yet, with the help of quantum theory Mr. Kraus now wants to convince us that “everything magically came from nothing.” Just see for yourself at this link:
Using very sophisticated concepts that theoretical physicists currently claim occur on the quantum level, Mr. Kraus proudly proposes his own explanation for what he believes is a rational explanation for how the entire creation sprang forth from absolutely “nothing.” Yet if we listen closely to what he says in this four-minute clip he clarifies that the nothing he is referring to is the tremendous gravitational force that exists all over the universe. He defines the vast space between huge galaxies as the “nothing” he asserts everything came from. His “nothing” also includes the similar proportional gaps in space found on the atomic level between electrons and protons.
In all of Lawrence Kraus’s public speaking, he pleads for the public to rise up to his standard of personal intellectual integrity. However, buried in all of Larry’s hyperbole he makes some revealing statements that expose either his very poor ability to research religion properly or his own gross prejudices against it. I am by no means an expert in the field of quantum physics, but what I find really interesting is that those who are experts in this field are starting to say things that sound extremely similar to how the Vedas described the nature of our universe thousands of years ago. For example, quantum physicists suggest that there can be unlimited parallel universes with unlimited alternative realities. Golly… When Lord Brahma praised the Supreme Lord he described Him as the origin of the unlimited universes coming into existence thru the pores of his body!
“What am I, a small creature measuring seven spans of my own hand? I am enclosed in a pot-like universe composed of material nature, the total material energy, false ego, ether, air, water, and earth. And what is Your glory? Unlimited universes pass through the pores of Your body just as particles of dust pass through the openings of a screened window.” LINK: Srimad Bhagavat Purana Canto 10 “The Summum Bonum,” Chapter 14, “Brahma’s Prayers to Lord Krishna,” Text 11.
There are many examples of this sort of thing. What follows are specific comments extracted from Mr. Krauss’s four-minute promotion for his book. After his statement, I have provided a reference from the Bhagavat Purana that reflects insights into what Larry is talking about. For the sake of brevity, I have provided just ONE Vedic reference that either echoes the type of universal phenomenon that Mr. Krauss states in an effort to promote his newly released book or is a direct response to his poorly researched allegation. For example, Larry asserts:
0:17: “Religion and theology, and to some extent philosophy have contributed almost NOTHING to our fundamental understanding of universe because questions like what is something and what is nothing are really scientific questions, not philosophical ones.”
Well, what about the content found in this description of our universe?
“Of the two energies manifest [spirit and dull matter], beings possessing living force [vegetables, grass, trees and plants] are superior to dull matter [stone, earth, etc.]. Superior to nonmoving plants and vegetables are worms and snakes, which can move. Superior to worms and snakes are animals that have developed intelligence. Superior to animals are human beings, and superior to human beings are ghosts because they have no material bodies. Superior to ghosts are the Gandharvas, and superior to them are the Siddhas. Superior to the Siddhas are the Kinnaras, and superior to them are the asuras. Superior to the asuras are the demigods, and of the demigods, Indra, the King of heaven, is supreme. Superior to Indra are the direct sons of Lord Brahma, sons like King Daksa, and supreme among Brahma’s sons is Lord Siva. Since Lord Siva is the son of Lord Brahma, Brahma is considered superior, but Brahma is also subordinate to Me, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Because I am inclined to the Brahmanas, the Brahmanas are best of all.” LINK: Srimad Bhagavat Purana Canto 5 “The Creative Impetus,” Chapter 5, “Lord Rsabhadeva’s Teaching to His Sons.” Text 21-2.
1:20 “Empty space is in fact not empty at all but a quite complicated boiling brew of virtual particles.”
“My dear Lord, You are the only Supreme Person, the cause of all causes. Before the creation of this material world, Your material energy remains in a dormant condition. When Your material energy is agitated, the three qualities — namely goodness, passion, and ignorance — act, and as a result the total material energy — egotism, ether, air, fire, water, earth, and all the various demigods and saintly persons becomes manifest. Thus the material world is created. – LINK: Srimad Bhagavat Purana Canto 4 “The Creation of the Fourth Order,” Chapter 24, “Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva.” Text 63.
1.44 “The far future of the universe will be far different than it is now. All evidence of the big bang expansion will disappear. All the galaxies we now see will be gone and we will appear to live alone in a cold dark empty universe.”
“Sri Sanandana replied: After the Supreme Lord withdrew the universe He had previously created, He lay for some time as if asleep, and all His energies rested dormant within Him. When the time came for the next creation, the personified Vedas awakened Him by chanting His glories, just as the poets serving a king approach him at dawn and awaken him by reciting his heroic deeds.” -LINK: Srimad Bhagavat Purana Canto 10 “The Summun Bonum,” Chapter 87, “The Prayers of the Personified Vedas.” Text 12-13.
3:02 It’s the biggest mystery in science to try and understand where the energy in the universe comes from.
“When all these elements were unmixed, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the origin of creation, along with time, work, and the qualities of the modes of material nature, entered into the universe with the total material energy in seven divisions. From these seven principles, roused into activity and united by the presence of the Lord, an unintelligent egg arose, from which appeared the celebrated Cosmic Being. This universal egg, or the universe in the shape of an egg, is called the manifestation of material energy. Its layers of water, air, fire, sky, ego, and mahat-tattva increase in thickness one after another. Each layer is ten times bigger than the previous one, and the final outside layer is covered by pradhana. Within this egg is the universal form of Lord Hari, of whose body the fourteen planetary systems are parts.” – LINK: Srimad Bhagavat Purana Canto 3 “The Status Quo,” Chapter 26, “Understanding Material Nature,” Text 50-52.
Of course, the most bombastic thing Mr. Krauss intentionally does is reflected in the title of his book: “A Universe from Nothing.” What we find here is that Larry has stooped to the “Bait & Switch” techniques of deceptive advertising. He grabs the attention of his audience with the bodacious assertion that everything came from “Nothing,” but later we discover that his concept of “Nothing” includes space, time, and at least gravitational forces.
Mr. Krauss further reveals his own academic ignorance by not recognizing that his concept of “Nothing” was identified in the Vedas as one of the 24 essential elements known as Pradhana(universal building blocks). The Sanskrit word for what Larry describes as nothing is nabhana & also kham. They both get translated into English as the word “Ether.” (Not to be confused with the chemical compound ether that is used as an anesthetic or solvent by industry). The Bhagavat Purana (composed not less than 3500 years ago) confirms this point when describing the foundation for the Sankhya Yoga system.
“I offer my respectful obeisances unto You, the Supreme Person. Being very subtle, You are never visible to material eyes. You are the knower of the twenty-four elements, and You are the inaugurator of the Sankhya-yoga system.”
PURPORT Catur-vimsad-guna, the twenty-four elements, are the five gross elements (earth, water, fire, air, and ether), the three subtle elements (mind, intelligence, and false ego), the ten senses (five for working and five for acquiring knowledge), the five sense objects, and contaminated consciousness. These are the subject matter of Sankhya-yoga, which was inaugurated by Lord Kapiladeva. This Sankhya-yoga was again propounded by another Kapila, but he was an atheist, and his system is not accepted as bona fide. – LINK: Srimad Bhagavat Purana Canto 8 “Withdrawal of the Cosmic Creation,” Chapter 16, “Executing the Payo-Vrata Process of Worship.” Text 30.
Well, how about that! It took Larry and the scientific community over 3500 years to figure out what has been available in the Vedas all along! Yet Mr. Krauss remains proud about challenging theists to provide examples of how religion contributed to a scientific understanding of the universe. Larry’s ignorance is even more evident by the fact that his highly respected and widely recognized colleague Carl Sagan often acknowledged the Vedas for providing the most accurate information about the space and time proportions that make up our universe.
“Vedic cosmology is the only one in which the time’s scales correspond to those of modern scientific cosmology.” – Carl Sagan Nov9, 1934- Dec 20, 1996,
An even more direct response to Larry’s challenge is the fact that the principles of maths that all physicists rely on when speculating about the origin of the world were first laid out in the Vedas. The western world incorrectly attributes the concepts of maths to the ancient Persians, but the Persians just popularized what was handed down to them from comparatively quiet Aryan ancestors from Vedic India. Abraham Seidenberg is the respected author of “History of Mathematics” and he credits the ancient Indian Sulba Sutras as the source which inspired all mathematics of the ancient world from Babylonia to Egypt to Greece. The Vedas contributed so much knowledge of the world we occupy that there is a half-hour video nicely documenting some of those contributions. If Larry were a bit more competent in his research on religion he would have discovered at least some of these wonderful things that mankind gleaned by reading the Vedas carefully.
In fact, if Larry wasn’t such an ignorant belligerent bigot he wouldn’t lump the Vedic principles of Sanatan dharma into the same religious dogma of the Judeo/Christian/Islamic traditions. He would realize that many of the criticisms that other outspoken atheists use to assault those traditions simply don’t apply to Vedic theology.
For example, Richard Dawkins is noted for proclaiming: “If the Bible is the best God can do for guiding humanity, then he wants nothing of it.” Well, Richard guesses what… those who make a careful study of the Vedas under qualified teachers concur that the Vedas do offer a tremendous amount of scientific information about our physical world. It can be objectively recorded that the Vedas provide a wider scope of knowledge and give a deeper philosophy than what Western society is exposed to. The fact that so-called educated scientists don’t even understand the basic difference between Sanatana dharma and religious dogma further demonstrates either their prejudicial thinking or inability to research their subject of critique properly! This fact alone provides ample reason why nobody should accept Lawrence Krauss’s plea to become more like he is. He is very proud and very deluded about how misinformed he is.
When debating a Muslim scholar Larry postulated that mankind has been around for about 250 million years but Mohammed only showed up about 1500 years ago.* He demanded to know why a loving God would wait so long before sending his prophet Mohammed to straighten us all out. This type of criticism simply evaporates when one reads the Gita. There we find that Krishna shared His wisdom for the 2nd time to Arjuna five thousand years ago after having originally spoken it to the Sun God Vivasvan 120.5 million years ago!
“The Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krsna, said: I instructed this imperishable science of yoga to the sun-god, Vivasvan, and Vivasvan instructed it to Manu, the father of mankind, and Manu, in turn, instructed it to Iksvaku.” LINK: Bhagavad Gita As It Is Chapter 4 “Transcendental Knowledge,” Text 1.
Even the date of 120.5 million years ago is relatively soon compared to when Garbodaksayi Vishnu shared Vedic wisdom to Lord Brahma at the dawn of creation over 156 TRILLION years ago! Krishna further confirms that he never abandons humanity to figure things out on their own as Larry Krauss attempted to suggest by embarrassing the Muslim scholar. This is clearly stated in the Bhagavad Gita:
“To deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I Myself appear, millennium after millennium.” LINK: Bhagavad Gita As It Is Chapter 4 “Transcendental Knowledge,” Text 3.
However, all of these rebuttals don’t illustrate how foolish the evolutionists can be as much as their insistence that life comes from chemicals! They are as evangelic about foisting that onto the public as any Christian is despite the fact that there is not one example of Life Coming from Chemicals occurring anywhere! What we do see everywhere is an abundance of evidence demonstrating how chemicals come from life. Yet these proud scientists have the audacity to accuse those who accept what IS OBVIOUS and easily perceivable, even by a kid with a basic understanding of chemistry, as the ones who are unreasonable? The real tragedy is that those educated in advanced material knowledge use their position to mislead their sycophant audience into believing something there is absolutely NO evidence for. It is the evolutionists who refuse to take off their prejudicial blinders and as the plaintiff claimed damages from the theological community, the onus is on them to prove that life comes from chemicals by demonstrating it! Let them make a fly, a seed of any variety, or an egg of any species by mixing whatever elements they like. But no. They can not do that. They simply bluff while everyone with eyes in their head and even just a little brain can see all the evidence that is confirmed in thousands of ways every day. Life Comes from Life… not visa-versa!
* For those who really want to understand the type of challenges Lawrence Krauss is presenting to the theological world I am providing the following link of his debate with Islamic Scholar Hamza Tzortzis. Larry pounds Hamza with questions like the one I cite in this essay. Please be advised the following link is PAINFUL to listen to and not something a neophyte devotee should be expected to bear: