Category Archives: Poison Conspiracy DECEPTION

Court-Worthy Evidence Proving His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
WAS NOT POISONED as maliciously alleged!

Socratic Questions to Truth

Socratic Questions to Discover the Truth of Prabhupada’s Departure

The idea of Srila Prabhpada being poisoned by his own senior disciples is an uncomfortable topic no matter how it is discussed. It is particularly overbearing when the investigation gets bogged down with deliberations involving how many parts per million of cadmium one can in-gest before their eyes start to pop out! It is easy to manipulate the simple working-class individual who gets lost in such thick medical terminology. That is one of the reasons why the Poison Conspiracy has lingered on for so long. But there are easier ways for sincere individuals to understand the facts surrounding Srila Prabhupada’s departure lila.

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Socratic Path To P-CON Truth


Post Views: 52 Index To DECEPTION Poison Conspiracy URL’s The proof of how dishonest the Poison allegations are is those who endorse this horrible rumor completely ignore all the court-worthy evidence presented here that exposes how it never could have happened. When you have a malicious agenda, and can not coherently rebut the counter evidence,… Continue Reading

Vaishnava Seva Savadhana

Vaishnava Seva Savadhana

Post Views: 69 Vaishnava Seva Savadhana Important Public Service Warning For Srila Prabhupada’s ISKCON There is a contagious virus that has infected new and some weak Vaishnavas. It can spreads like a terrible cancer among those who are uninformed. This Public Service announcement is issued to alert those who want to protect themselves from this… Continue Reading

Audio Forensic Tom Owens

Audio Forensic Tom Owens

Post Views: 23 DECEPTION “What Audio Forensic Engineer Tom Owens Actually Report” Nico and his completely DECEPTIVE “Non-Truth Team” do not properly share the results of the studies done by the hired audio forensic engineers. Many of these so-called experts were hardly that, particularly Jack Mitchel who Nico champions as their star witness and whose… Continue Reading

All Concur: HDG Did NOT say!

All Concur: HDG Did NOT say!

Post Views: 30 DECEPTION “All Concure: HDG Did NOT say: ‘Someone has Poisoned me!’” Many devotees have been internationally led to believe that His Divine Grace exclaimed: “Someone has poisoned me!” This is only because of a massive misinformation campaign that has raged on for over 20 years with virtually no-one pointing out that is… Continue Reading

Nico Is The Alex…

Nico Is The Alex…

Post Views: 101 Nico Kuyt is the Alex Jones of ISKCON! (Illustrated plates are located below the following text.) All the evidence provided here is nominal compared to the damaging words that come from none other than Nico’s own son Sudda Sattva. He suffered so much dysfunction from his father that in 2018, he created… Continue Reading