Closing RtVik Loopholes

Closing RtVik Loopholes

“Closing RtVik-Loopholes”

Everyone has heard of the concept of a “Loophole.” It is a technicality that allows a person or business to avoid the scope of a law or restriction without directly violating the law. Whenever some legislation is written, it can often be so complex that nobody could foresee how clever lawyers would find ways to defy the spirit of the law without actually breaking it. But with most well-intended laws, only those who have an uncooperative malicious intent would want to violate the spirit of the law. They want to gain some advantage over everyone else who is cooperating with the laws to do their part in maintaining social stability.

The entire RtVik-Charade is based on the social dysfunction known as “Legalism.”

“’Legalism exists when people attempt to secure righteousness in God’s sight by good works. Legalists believe that they can earn or merit God’s approval by performing the requirements of the law,’ Thomas R. Schreiner said. A legalist believes that their good works and obedience to God affects their salvation. Legalism focuses on God’s laws more than a relationship with God. It keeps external laws without a truly submitted heart. And legalism adds human rules to divine laws and treats them as divine.

Like the tax cheat, RtViks exploit loopholes to make their case for the RtVik-Charade and they do it at the extremely costly overhead of gross Vaishnava aparadha. Therefore a discerning Vaishnava knows better than to get entangled with their semantics, clever retorts, and endless bloviation about how rational they are. But as the American New Testament scholar Thomas R. Schreiner clearly states above, such legalism “…does not develop a relationship with God.” ie: It is NOT Bhakti. “…legalism adds human rules to divine laws and treats them as divine.”

This is how the RtVik-Charade attracts those who “…attempt to secure righteousness in God’s sight by good works.” But Krishna says:

“My dear Arjuna, only by undivided devotional service can I be understood as I am, standing before you, and can thus be seen directly. Only in this way can you enter into the mysteries of My understanding.” -Bg. Bg. 11.54

The sages have repeatedly stated that devotional service is thwarted when offenses are committed to the Vaishnavas and RtViks flagrantly disregard that ubiquitous injunction. This chart helps those who have been buffooned by the RtVik-Charade recognize many of the loopholes that RtViks exploit to market their offensive charade to the less intelligent.

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