Knowledge Acquiring Process Of The Soul Map


Knowledge Acquiring Process of the Soul Map
This chart provides a clear philosophical explanation of the various ways knowledge is acquiring according to the Vedas. It illustrates how the individual is completely incapable of understanding the esoteric purpose of life correctly on his own power. It is a great way to keep guests nicely engaged in learning when they are standing on line for prasadam. This chart is 18″ X 24″ and is printed on high quality 100# color paper. Inquire about special pricing for quantity orders on this product.

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Knowledge Acquiring Process of the Soul Map
This chart provides a clear philosophical explanation of the various ways knowledge is acquiring according to the Vedas. It illustrates how the individual is completely incapable of understanding the esoteric purpose of life correctly on his own power. It is a great way to keep guests nicely engaged in learning when they are standing on line for prasadam. This chart is 18″ X 24″ and is printed on high quality 100# color paper. Inquire about special pricing for quantity orders on this product.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs


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